
Papamoa Hills is one of the most cherished cultural parks in the Western Bay of Plenty. It attracts fitness enthusiasts who enjoy running and hiking the hills, as well as history and culture enthusiasts eager to explore the various pā sites scattered throughout the park.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council


The Concept

The Tomokanga serves as the official Waharoa to the cultural park, playing a key role in narrating the story of the park's entrance. Its design incorporates many feminine elements, reflecting aspects of the creation story that are central to its cultural significance.

This image is from the digital renderings I created during the design process. The side of the structure visible to visitors as they approach the park features more intricate detailing, with large CNC-routed tōtara panels.

Key design elements that stand out include:

  • Moko Kauae at the top of the arch

  • Large Poutama pattern used for the vertical elements

  • Chevrons symbolising Pataki

  • Albatross feathers integrated into the design

  • Topographical features of the cultural park routered into the Poutama verticals

  • Hemp lashings, reminiscent of those used in traditional waka construction

The Construction

The construction of the Tomokanga involved extensive experimentation, testing a variety of materials to achieve the ideal combination. The final structure incorporates steel framing, tōtara slabs, hemp, powder-coated synthetic panels, and other materials.

The Result